Student's Extension, NSS & Social Entrepreneurship


Clubs > SENSE

Our sense is the most genuine path to knowledge

SENSE clubs motivate students for different extension activities along with social services and social entrepreneurship through DLLE( Dept. of Lifelong Learning and Extension and NSS ( National Service Scheme) cell.


  • SENSE club encourages to develop Student’s Extension, NSS & Social activities and Entrepreneurial Skill.
  • Club working to inculcate and develop human values in young students through organizing social activities.
  • To encourage and motivate the creating aspirants of YBCP.
  • To motivate and encourage students across the campus for creating an awareness of cultural diversity.
  • To bring together students from all backgrounds, with all kinds of interests and areas of expertise, and allow them to work in the field of their interest to build their extension activities.
  • To promote entrepreneurship development and also works towards creating a more positive enabling environment.

Activities under SENSE Club

  • To motivate the students for participation in cocurricular, extracurricular and extension activities through NSS, DLEE, Red Cross etc.
  • To conduct the activities/events to build the leadership qualities among the students.
  • Any other relevant activities/events to fulfill the club objectives.

SENSE Events


SENSE Events 2024-25

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

- Mahatma Gandhi